growing people to love god
Allegan United Methodist Church
all are welcome
Worship With Us
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Our Pastor
Rev. Julia Humenik
Pastor Julia joined us in the winter of 2021, having previously served five years in Schoolcraft, MI. Pastor Julia received her B.A. in Religious Studies from Albion College, and her Masters of Divinity from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary. She was ordained as an Elder in full connection with the United Methodist Church in 2022. Pastor Julia has loved being a part of the Allegan UMC family, and is passionate about the church being a force for love and good in the community. She celebrates the restorative grace of our Lord, and the holiness of all of God’s children.
AUMC Commitment to Ministry: We affirm our ministry to God and to each other. We strive to continue to provide nurturing ministries within our church family and continue our outreach ministries to Allegan!
AUMC calls upon its members and the Allegan community to commit itself to reinvent the reason why we come to church, why we worship, and why we exist!